We are a collective of twelve professionals whose backgrounds range from software contracting and full-time tech roles to community organizing, small business ownership, and involvement in church groups, all drawn together by a shared commitment to the cooperative model. Grounded in principles informed by mathematics, the sciences, ethics, and philosophy, we integrate honesty, reason, and rigor to deliver services responsibly and thoughtfully.
At TNG, we value what can be called “disciplined creativity”: a capacity for innovation that emerges through sustained, in-depth engagement with our fields. We hold ourselves to high standards, guided by sincerity, a cooperative spirit, and a willingness to explore. Inspired in part by the forward-looking ethos of Star Trek, we embrace interdisciplinary collaboration to address complex challenges and achieve meaningful results.
Our offerings span a broad range of technical and organizational domains, delivered with a focus on cooperation and considered craftsmanship:
Representative Director: Yasuaki Kudo
Email: info@tng.coop
Phone: +81.90.6523.2640 (Telegram/Signal)
Matrix: @yasuakikudo:matrix.org
TNG Worker Cooperative
414-171 Shirohori, Yugawara,
Kanagawa 259-0305, Japan
We are a member of the following federations:
Other information:
Community Software Under Development:
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TNG労働者協同組合は、ソフトウェア受託開発、テクノロジー分野の正社員経験、コミュニティオーガナイザー、小規模事業経営者、教会活動の参加者など、 多様なバックグラウンドを持つ12名で構成 されています。私たちは協同組合という枠組みを原点に、数学・科学、そして倫理・哲学的観点から得られる知見を活かし、誠実さと行動力をもって責任あるサービスを提供します。
当組合は、深い専門性と継続的な探究によって育まれる「規律ある創造性」を重視しています。誠実さと合理性、そして協同の精神を礎とし、 スター・トレック が象徴する未来的な探究心を胸に、多分野の視点を組み合わせ、複雑な課題に向き合い、実りある成果を目指します。
代表理事:工藤 靖顕
電話:090-6523-2640 (Telegram/Signalにも対応)
〒259-0305 神奈川県足柄下郡湯河原町城堀414-171